VAT returns

How we can help with your VAT returns

Its incredibly important that VAT returns are completed correctly.  We can complete them for you, in perfect time so you avoid any penalties. Whether we undertake your bookkeeping, or we take your books and complete them for you, we’ll take care of it. Alternatively, we provide full training on completion of VAT returns.

We also assist with the following:

  • Applying for VAT registration
  • VAT planning
  • Advice on VAT schemes suitable for you
  • Our attendance at VAT inspections
  • Representation at VAT tribunals if required
  • Dealing with any contentious disagreements that may arise with Customs

For more information on VAT returns, contact us.

Jason and the Team have been excellent in providing support to me over the last 12 months in particular. My husband passed away suddenly and Jason helped me complete his final accounts and tax return and provided advice in the process. Smith Butler looked after Garrys business affairs only for 3 years but they have always been helpful and I would recommend their services to others. I would have no hesitation in using Smith Butler for other financial matters. 

Angela Price


Why choose us?

Unlimited phone support

Unlimited free meetings

FREE initial tax review

Work on time every time

Fixed fees

Monthly tax tips by email

Friendly and approachable

All clients treated equally

FREE annual financial checkup

Cloud software specialists

Want an initial talk that won't cost you a penny?

You can reach out to us with your accountancy or business query on the phone, over email, through our website or even on social media if you're that way inclined. You’ll get an honest response and that won't cost you anything.